Hello, I'm Kayleigh, the founder of GK Virtual.
My journey to creating this business started with a reality check that made me realise how much my work was consuming my life. Having worked across several industries such as Construction, Health & Social Care, Accounting, and Dental, I gained a wealth of transferable skills over the past 20 years. However, the demands of these roles often left me stressed, constantly thinking about work, and struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
I remember the days when work would creep into my personal time, telling my husband I would be off the call in 10 minutes, only to find myself still engrossed an hour later. My normal responses to my family became "hold on," "in a minute," or "mummy’s working." The workload was so immense that I often forgot to eat. This wasn't even my own business – it was just employment!
The turning point came when my daughter asked me a simple question that served as a reality check "Mum why do you always seem so sad and stressed, when I get a job when I'm older will I be the same"? I realised that I was missing out on precious moments with my family and that my work was negatively affecting those I loved. It got me thinking about how many other people, parents, and business owners might be in the same position. I had learned the hard way and ended up broken and burnt out – but it doesn't have to be this way for you.
Finding my balance was a journey – not an easy one, but one that was incredibly worth it. It has made a profound difference in my life, and now I want to help others achieve the same balance. Time is precious, and you need to decide how you want to spend your valuable time.
Will you let your business consume your life, or are you ready to reclaim your time and enjoy life away from work?
Stephen Covey
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